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Healthcare is a service that is delivered locally and consumed locally. In most communities, the local hospital is one of the largest employers. Thus, a community-based laboratory provides a critical service, delivering accessible, reliable, and proximate laboratory testing to support patients and providers. When queried about their top three needs from a laboratory, providers indicate quality (accuracy),... Read more
In April 2024, the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Advisory Committee (CLIAC) acknowledged the need for ethical artificial intelligence (AI) integration to influence the prevention of medical bias and to protect patient data, among other potential uses. CLIAC also recommended the support of data scientists and experts familiar with AI approaches to advise clinical laboratories as AI algorithms are... Read more
In the June issue of MedicalLab Management we covered the initial lead up to expanding and refining testing for THC compounds in the clinical laboratory. This was initiated as a process improvement collaboration with the behavioral medicine group. Visit to review Part 1 of this 2-part series: THC QA Informs Validation Part 1 of this series discusses the essential role... Read more
Blood cultures remain the gold standard for diagnosing bloodstream infections, including sepsis and bacteremia.1,2 However, the reliability of blood culture results is largely dependent on a low rate of blood culture contamination, which most commonly originates from the presence of commensal organisms on the patient’s skin during the collection process and can contribute to increased lengths... Read more

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