Bio-Rad Laboratories launches its External Quality Assurance Services (EQAS) Specialty Immunoassay (SPIA) Program, a liquid, independent, and confidential external assessment program that consolidates 13 complex and highly tested specialty immunoassay analytes, including procalcitonin, active vitamin B12, interleukin-6, and fructosamine, at both normal and abnormal levels. This expanded menu enhances the clinical utility across various disease areas such as sepsis, anemia, diabetes, and thyroid disorders, while the analyte consolidation reduces costs by eliminating the need for participation in multiple EQA programs. The system offers a user-friendly online platform for data access and reporting, with full ISO/IEC 17043 accreditation. The program is designed to streamline proficiency testing and produce easy-to-read reports while the ready-to-use liquid format can minimize handling errors.